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Sunday, January 27, 2008 . 11:52 AM

After another long break, here is my update...

Had Christmas in Pulau Pinang and had an overdose of Zink/Iron cause of too much Fried Oyster. Even thinking of it now makes me sick.. LoL

Celebrated an early New Year at Aunty Ben's place and had lots of Pizza with it.

Started work on the 21st of January at Tbun Aman Suria.

Typing into my blog right now and about to write about my N95 but I'm at work and don't have my information in here. Wait till I get back.. LoLx

Well anyway, here is a joke for laughs. :) Enjoy.

Superman was feeling bored after a long break of crime fighting and
wanted to go out and party. He called Batman to ask if he wanted to go
to a club & pick up some young girls. Batman said Robin was ill & he
had to look after him. A little disappointed, Superman "SMS" Spiderman
to see if he fancied a few beers but Spiderman said he had a date with

As a last resort, Superman flew over to Wonderwoman's apartment to see
if she was free. As he landed on her balcony, he saw Wonderwoman naked
on the bed with her legs open and her eyes closed. Superman thought to
himself, "So exotic, should I or shouldn't I ...wait ...I'm faster than
a speeding bullet! I can be in there, have sex & out again before she
knew what happened." So Superman did his super thing in a split second
and flies off happily.

Meanwhile on the bed, Wonderwoman said, "What is going on? Did you hear
anything ...?" Invisible-Man replied, "No! But....... my A**SS hurts
like hell!"

Wednesday, December 19, 2007 . 6:01 AM

Alright, I'm back. I started my 24 hour CoD4(Call of Duty 4) marathon on Monday the 17th of December 2007, 5:05pm at rank 21 and have succesfully obtained rank 33 by Tuesday the 18th of December 2007, 5:05pm.

I started the Marathon at 5:00pm and played till about 6:30pm. Came home, had dinner, washed up and went out again to continue at about 8:00pm till 12:30pm and then had supper with my gf and then watched an episode of Private Practice and went to sleep.

Woke up the next day at 9:00am and washed up and arrived at the cafe at 9:45am and I wasn't surprised to find the cafe close to.... totally empty.... But just as I was about to give up on playing CoD4 for that moment a Maximum rank player joined and Vua-la!, 1 on 1. We tried many different things and completed different challenges and then he had to go and then 4 guyz walked in.

One of the four guys is a cousin of ManEr who also seems to know Melissa. Well, we played and they started to leave after a while. I went for lunch after that and came back in the noon and well, lucky me... NOBODY was playing CoD4. I had to enter a Counter Strike game and ask people to play CoD4 to get the call rolling.... But yeah, some came and soon it built up cause then ManEr and his gang arrived. There were 5 of them... ManEr, ChowYunFatt, Lee, DaNNy(is that right?) and Amy. We'll we played and then I had to go... ......Lazy to type so much......

During the night, we went over to Bishan's place to drink and hang out and thats about it. :)

Nothing much really....

Sunday, December 16, 2007 . 7:00 PM

IMO, the best FPS game I have ever played in my whole life. Think I'm over rating it? Take a look at this official "nip-slip" of the game. You'll need to be above 18 to view it but if aren't above 18, well.... (whispers..) nobody is around...

Those were just a few of the perks of the game. These perks adds flavour into this game making it suitable for anybody. There are other perks like UAV Jammer, Overkill, etc etc. You get the picture.

Below is a preview of a should we say... pro player(?) fully utilizing the knife and it makes me feel like picking up my wallet and running to Tbun for a quick game... Mmm... more like a Long-Quick Game for about 3 hours? Hahah...

Below are 2 vids of the weapons of this game:

The Assault Rifles.

The Light Machine Guns.

There are more like Sniper Rifles, Pistols and Sub-Machine Guns but I can't find the clips for those.

All in all, start playing this game cause it seriously owns. The Singleplayer mode runs a little short since some of the levels can be completed with you just taking a brist walk through the war field while looking at the birds and the bees... LoL. Alright, thats all for now. Enjoy the game!

Tremble before me!!

Saturday, December 15, 2007 . 9:01 AM

Remember the post during october 21st 2007?

who invented pencils, underclothes, toilet tissue and pepper spray? well... here they are..

Toilet Papers
Before 1880, there wasn't such a thing as toilet tissues also known as toilet rolls in UK. People used to use sticks, leaves(dry/fresh), corn cobs, coconut shell or rather anything they could get thier hands on!

Middleasterners used their left hands to clean up and it is still considered unclean in the Arabian Region. Hmm.. I think that is why one form of punishment would be to cut of ur right hand, forcing you to eat with the left hand.. Hmmm...

So back to who invented toilet papers.. Well, I'm not quite sure but in 1391AD, The Bureau of Imperial Supplies began producing 720,000 sheets of toilet paper a year, each sheet measuring two feet by three feet. For use by the Emperors.

And also the Scott Paper Company marketed the first rolls of toilet paper. The Company was founded in 1879 by brothers E. Irvin and Clarence Scott in Philadelphia and specialized in producing toilet paper.

I'm kinda confused... lol

Links:Click Here or Here

First of all, take a look at these 2 links below:
I need not say more. I doubt they are true but its just for fun. :)
Oh and check these out!
!!**GPS Panties**!! HAhahha You have got to be kidding me... Talking about GPS... I need to get the one on my phone working... and talking about my phone, that will be in another post :)

Ahhhh pencils are boring! And I'm gonna do something else.... Until next time... Bye!!! :)

Thursday, December 13, 2007 . 9:16 PM

My private 20th Birthday.
Well, the evening started out pretty badly. Mother came home pissed, cousins came late but 45mins through it and everything were back to normal. People were laughing and eatting. My dogs were barking... mmm.... I think? Didn't notice..

First of all, I would like to thank a few people who helped me with my birthday.
My girlfriend Emily Dear for cooking the fried rice, sausages and nuggets.
My brother Ashton for making the pumpkin soup and mashed potatoes.
My father for starting the fire and running erands.
My mother for organizing it and everybody for helping with the cleaning up.

There she is. I would like to thank her for taking most of the pictures with her steady hand and also lightening up the environment during the evening. She spent most of her time taking pictures and didn't even have the chance to take a picture with only me and her in it. Sorry about that dear. Kinda forgot..... very very so so very so very so so very sorry so very.....(crap... neurons hang-khey).

And my cute doggie, Lady for hanging around not wanting to eat her food and wanted BBQ instead... *Swt*.. Hurm.... who fed my dog thier boxing chicken bones?!

Well anyway, after dinner was done, it was time to sing the birthday song and cups of Cocktail were served by my gf, my brother and I.

First we took an immediate family picture.

And then we took a cousins picture.

And this is what I got for my 20 years of living on this planet.... whos idea was it? More "rubber" for me to recycle later on. It was the idea of the psycho your mother warned you about. I'll never tell ya how it feels like!! MUahahaha!!!!

....Gentlemens don't kiss and tell....


We went to Tbun after the party. Played Call of Duty 4(CoD4).
Kitty(one of the regular CoD players) thought us how to save the profiles which is extremely helpful. Kitty, if you one day visit this blog, thx again.

So yeah we played and played till about 2:15am and then we left for Original Kayu for some supper. We talked and came across this topic... 2 girls and 1 cup... now I'm sure most who have seen the clip of this 2 chicks making out would never forget it. Those who does watch it, please do remember to wash up after you are done. You'll get what I mean. It got late so we split after finishing the Roti Tisue.

PLAY CALL OF DUTY 4!!!! ALWAYS WATCH YOUR BACK! Muahahahaha!!! Tremble before me!!!!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007 . 3:54 PM

The Return of the King

Other than the crown, Emily added them... But yeah, I'm back. I took a month break from blogging cause I kinda got tired of it. Yesterday I ate at Crowne Plaza. Getting there was a real problem since there were heavy traffic cause I think somebody important was going to eat at Crowne Plaza too. Anyway, Emi, Ashton and I took a few pictures of some of the food we ate but you can visit thier blogs for them. Since 2 Sundays ago, the internet has been horrible so I just don't want to spend my whole birthday uploading into my blog. Oh yeah, it is my birthday today. LoL.

Nothing much has changed... I wanted to go for an internship but there were some problems in the office so no internship. Don't feel like working unless I get a better job involving my line of work and right now, I'm only a Diploma holder so I wouldn't be able to go far.

I've switched from JX2 to DragonRaja. I found DragonRaja to be a much nicer game because of the environment there and it was the online game which made me start playing every other online games.

I've started facebook, you may add me using wolfie10k@hotmail.com. Used to be active in it but then, it got boring after.... 2 weeks?

I've helped set up the Christmas Tree in my house but had to run off in the mids of putting it up cause of an important phone call. Sorry mummy, had to let you put it up by yourself. LoL. My bad.

HMmm.... what else... Ah, I've been out and about these past few days. Been out with my cousins since King Lee is back from AUS and won't be back for a long time onces he is gone. Went out a few times with my friends during the nights.

Err.... I've got nothing much to say today, just updating my visitors on "whats up?". Oh yeah sammi, I'm not ignoring you. I'm just a lil frussed over some matters. Other JX friends, sry, I prolly won't be playing it anymore... talking about not playing anymore.... Ming, could you post in my chatbox when do you want me to meet u IG so I could pass you back ur brush? I totally forgot about it.

So today is my birthday and I have cousins and friends coming over for my BBQ party. It is 4:30pm now and they will arrive in 2 and a half hours. Still have... Nuggets, Fries and Sausages to fry. I'll be taking some pictures and posting it in here. My daily blogging will start again soon. See ya!

Oh yeah, I've been going to Tbun near my place for a game called Call of Duty 4:Modern Warfare. IMO, 11/10 for a 1st person shooter game with stunning visual graphics and gameplay. you can visit Ashton's blog for his review on the game. (checks ashton's blog)... Ok nevermind, it isnt a review but trust me, It Owns and Pawns and still reaks of PLEASURE! lol.

To Ben and Melissa, relax... take it eeeeeeeeeeeasy.... for there is nothing you can do..... Mika style! A relationship is about doing the things you don't want to do for each other and about sacrifices! Hmm.... explains the inevitable arguments amongst couples... HA!

Put your head on my shouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuulderrr......
Whisper in my ears.. Bay-Be........
Words I want to hear Showwwwww me....


Thursday, November 1, 2007 . 3:28 PM

Hihi! Emi here! Here you go guys! The pictures that you guys have been waiting for =P Trust me, if you are waiting for Ash to post these pictures. It'll take at least months and months. Lolx! See how sleepy bearbear-ish Wasdy is! Buahahaha!

Ash, Ivan, Vern, Wasdy/Edmund/SleepyBear =P @ Sam's

Vern, Marine, Wasdy/Edmund, Ivan, Ethos, Me & Dear +plus busybodys' hands @ Sam's =.=

Sunday, October 28, 2007 . 5:07 PM

Human race will split into two different species!!! READ THIS!
The human race will one day split into two separate species, an attractive, intelligent ruling elite and an underclass of dim-witted, ugly goblin-like creatures, according to a top scientist. 100,000 years into the future, sexual selection could mean that two distinct breeds of human will have developed. The alarming prediction comes from evolutionary theorist Oliver Curry from the London School of Economics, who says that the human race will have reached its physical peak by the year 3000.

The report claims that after they reach their peak around the year 3000 humans will begin to regress

These humans will be between 6ft and 7ft tall and they will live up to 120 years. "Physical features will be driven by indicators of health, youth and fertility that men and women have evolved to look for in potential mates," says the report, which suggests that advances in cosmetic surgery and other body modifying techniques will effectively homogenise our appearance. Men will have symmetrical facial features, deeper voices and bigger penises, according to Curry in a report commissioned for men's satellite TV channel Bravo. Women will all have glossy hair, smooth hairless skin, large eyes and pert breasts, according to Curry. Racial differences will be a thing of the past as interbreeding produces a single coffee-coloured skin tone. The future for our descendants isn't all long life, perfect bodies and chiselled features, however. While humans will reach their peak in 1000 years' time, 10,000 years later our reliance on technology will have begun to dramatically change our appearance. Medicine will weaken our immune system and we will begin to appear more child-like. Dr Curry said: "The report suggests that the future of man will be a story of the good, the bad and the ugly.

H G Wells' Science Fiction novel The Time Machine (which was later adapted into two films - this picture is from the 2002 version) the human race has evolved into two species, the highly intelligent and wealthy Eloi...

...and the frightening, animalistic Morlock (as seen in the 1960 film version of the classic book)

"While science and technology have the potential to create an ideal habitat for humanity over the next millennium, there is the possibility of a monumental genetic hangover over the subsequent millennia due to an over-reliance on technology reducing our natural capacity to resist disease, or our evolved ability to get along with each other. "After that, things could get ugly, with the possible emergence of genetic 'haves' and 'have-nots'." Dr Curry's theory may strike a chord with readers who have read H G Wells' classic novel The Time Machine, in particular his descriptions of the Eloi and the Morlock races. In the 1895 book, the human race has evolved into two distinct species, the highly intelligent and wealthy Eloi and the frightening, animalistic Morlock who are destined to work underground to keep the Eloi happy.

This was posted in Yahoo by Niall Firt very recently. I found it pretty unbelievable but either way, true or not, I won't be around to find out but I just hope if I actually do reborn after death... I don't end up as the Morlocks.... Cause.... cause.... Daaaayyyuummnnnnn....

Hm... how many times will I have to be reborned till the year 3000? HMmm...

Wednesday, October 24, 2007 . 6:04 AM

Alright, this is just a simple funny clip which I found. LoL, nothing personal.

Rock On!!

Sunday, October 21, 2007 . 4:40 AM

Who invented the pencils which has made us the word "Homework"?

Who invented briefs and panties and who started to go "Commando" and why?

Who invented toilet tissues and what were used before it was invented? Leaves? History book pages? OOps! I mean....

Who invented the pepper spray?

Who invented...... errr..... blogspot? LoL!

*Advertisment Plays*
"Stay right there folks. Your doubts will be answer right after the break."

"Which is in a few hours? days? months? years? WOW!!! Who invented time!? The Greeks I think.. Hmmmmm....."

Saturday, October 20, 2007 . 7:15 PM

Anybody ever wondered why bulls hated the colour red so much? Or why they would CHAAAAAAAAAARRRRGEEEEE!!!!at anything that is red? Well, to tell you the truth, Bulls are colour-blind. *Jheng* *Jheng* *Jheng*!!

Yep, thats right! All bulls are colourblind and this isn't bullshit....

The reason why bulls CHAAAAAAAAAARRRRGEEEEE!!!! at a matador holding a red flag is because the bull hates the way the flag moves. The flapping and swaying of the cloth makes the bull angry and thus making the bull

Hm.... Don't let red be the last thing you see.... Accidents.... Humans can be colour blind too and majority of them are males... The government(Haihhhh..... LOL!) should do.... Don't let red or grey be the last thing you see/look/gawk/watch/Wahahahha!!!

Another thing about colours would be a dog's vision. Did you know dogs sees the colours Green, Orange and Yellow as a single colour? Well, maybe not a single colour but those 3 colours looks similar from a dogs eyes and I'm guessing same goes for Wolves.

Whales and dolphins are colour blind to blue. Yeah, thats right... BLUE! So they technically live in the 40's when everything is black and white.

Colour Effects on humans.... This link below states the effects of colours. I fancy the red room the most. Looks nice and.. cumffy... and I dislike the black room the most... reminds me of the show Omen or... the same kind of feeling when I watched the show "Village" by Midnight Shamalan(Is that right?).
Click here for Room Colour Effects
<------------- CLICKY CLICKY!!

This is a simple colour test.
Colour Test.... DO IT!
<------------- CLICKY CLICKY!!
There are 8 colours, just choose whichever you fancy 1st till the less favourable colour. My results were...
"You are often a calm, quiet person with a need to trust and be trusted, particularly by people close to you. You desire a calm orderly and harmonious existence.
You are very positive about the world. Where others see negative things you see positive. You are never selfish."

Alright.... I've never really trusted most online test but.... this results is almost entirely true... Think not that I am self praising and nither am I critisizing myself. Well, after taking the test, let me know what ya all think. I personally want Emily, Ashton, Chrystian and my cousins to take this test and post the result in the chatbox. Yes, of cause I want all my other fans to take it too and post it in the chat box but the people I mentioned MUST take the test and post it. LoL.

Aight. I guess thats about it for this post but I would like to add a few things in to my JX2 peeps.

Oh yeah, my JX2g friends... especially Sammi, Peter, Matt, Ming, J.K., Fred and Scion of Fade(Sub Brothers), I'll be cutting down/stopping JX2 for a while...

Just kinda got too bored with it.. in addition to that, too much hostility.. Goodness, the other day I was just asking for somebody in peach mid and that female char PMed me sohai lamer. Aihhh.. Really sick of some people..

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

(That picture is the second part. I didn't save the first part with the cursing. Zzzz)

Ah yes, CharismaDoll, you still owe me 10jx2g. Small amount? Its still money. Asked you to return it and you say you're lazy to get your character. The time you spent explaining to me how lazy you were would be enough time to get ur char beside me cause we were in the middle of BianJiang.

Friday, October 19, 2007 . 3:09 AM

Today is the day of Wooooooooooorld Records!!!

Vote for World Peace! Don't use guns! Use PILLOWS!

PuahHAHAHAHHA!.... AHHAHAhahahaah!!! HAAHahahahahhahahahaaA!!!!!
I've got no comment on this one..

I like this one because, he plays "Hard Ball!" Ah well, imagine all the times he practiced and failed... Oh well, no pain, no gain. No brains, no pain.

This one is the best!
"Honey, I know they are cute but... we just won't have enough to feed the family."

Monday, October 8, 2007 . 8:18 AM

Ok, like I've promised, I'll post something. I found quite a few things over youtube and I'm only gonna post some and most of them(err.. i think all) are related to either "Girls" or "Sexy Girls". In addition to that, it is also funny so, enjoy! :)

This one is my favourite! Muakakaka!

I caught you, you dirty old geezer!! (.... how do you spell geeeeeezer?)

Ho Ho Ho! Lets shake it like
Pretends to hurt her ankle > makes guy tired > make guy fight with her man.

100 seconds = Heaven on Earth...
120 seconds = Heaven
3600 seconds = You guys decide... =p


All right... there are just too many so you gotta go find it urself.... ZZzzz.... But if you're lazy.. continue..

Nvm.... I'm too lazy... LoL

Sunday, October 7, 2007 . 11:22 PM

What should I post? Errr...... STUPID JX2 SERVER SCAMMED MY JX2G!!!!

ENtered 1st stage of HS for less than 10secs and I DC. "OWNING!!!!"

The owner if JX2g is earning so much money off us players and aren't doing anything with upgrading.

And Streamyx has been getting worst to worst-est!(..no such word kiddies..) Goodness! Streamyx used to be so good and better than Jaring but now, Streamyx is no different from Jaring! What has the world came toooooo!!!!

Oh Gms! I know a new event! Lets call it....

"Server God's Blessing!"

Event Details are as follows:
The more ipoints you convert into air, the less chances for you to DC in the game!

Convert 10 iPoints every 10 minutes for a mysterious non-lagable gift!

Oh yeah, and if people doesn't believe in the event, sell items in Imperial Street called "Lag De-hancer" which also reduces lag even more!

I've got something to sell to JX2 also!
What about "GM's Jaw Breaker" or "GM's Butt Burner".

Aih... so many of my friends have stopped JX2 cause it is getting so damn laggy.


Sorry viewers... That msg isn't for you all. I'll post something tomorrow. I promise. :)

Friday, October 5, 2007 . 5:43 AM

Ahhh... It's been quite a while since I've posted. Last post was last Monday and it is Friday right now. I'll be posting something today but I have a good reason why I haven't been around. Well.... I've been waiting for a party to actually take me into HS.

On Wednesday night, there were some miss-communication in JX2. I made HS plans with 2 different people.
One would be with buster_blade and one with jetli_master. I thought they were in the same party and buster_blade told me to meet them in YZ HS at 8:30pm cause they will be going in at 9:00pm.
At around 8:00pm I heard from BlackmoOn(member of jetli's team) that jetli and buster weren't from the same team and so I canceled and apologized for canceling it so last minute, he was ok with it. Then I saw tom(member of jetli's team) entering HS with buster and then I got REALLY confused.
After sorting somethings out, I was told jetli's HS would be at 10pm...

I waited...... (10:30pm)

and waited..... (11:00pm)
..... and waited....... (11:30pm)

..then finally jetli came online and I joined up with him and his fellow teammates. I was the replacement of BlackmoOn since his PC is a little faulty.
Which is kinda of a good thing(not that I wish u worst ming.. LoL) for me since I would be able to get some serious practice from the pros(Sardin Team).

We looked for members and did preps for HS and went in at 12:30am.

2 WS
2 WB
2 ES
1 BF
1 SC

In stage 1, we had problems bugging the boss and so we had to do it the hard way. SC had to tank and so on and so fourth... Suddenly, the most unsuspecting thing happened!!!! DC!! Muahahahah!!! (not so surprising actually). 1 ES and 1 WB DCed meaning we are down to 1 ES without back up. Our leader(WS) then died and SC died and then I(WB) died and ES died, we can thank the area att from the boss for that and yes, the SERVER!

With no more ES alive, we could not continue so our leader ended it... And there goes my first ever HS since I started this game... Stage 1, incomplete... AIhhhh.... Sad.... really.... sad.... Right now I'm having some problems getting a party to HS with.

Jet told me he wouldn't HS during the night cause it lags and Qi:nobe said he would take me and train me in HS. Although we haven't HS together yet, thx Qi. I really appreciate it if you would help me along my 1st few times in HS and thank you BlackmoOn for introducing jet and his teammates to me.

Well, until I'm pro enough to HS calmly, I'll post a guide for HS in my blog for anybody who visits here and even better, it'll include pictures! YuMMy!

I know there are a lot of people out there like me having problems of people not wanting to take you in because it is your first time so I'll help ya out. Till then, hold ya horses!

Monday, October 1, 2007 . 2:46 PM

If you are a Taekwondo Martial Artist like me, I'm sure you would enjoy today's post. I've placed some vids on this art and I hope you enjoy them. I spent about 2 hours looking through youtube for interesting Taekwondo vids and here's what I found:

These video shows the importance of Taekwondo's counter attack and it's long reach during a fight.

Now this is Steve Terada. I'm not very sure if you can classify this under Taekwondo but since it still has kicks so.... yeaa... LoL. Check out his videos. He is really fond of himself. It takes years of practice to be able to achieve that level of agility. You have 2 methods, gymnastics or upper class taekwondo where you learn all those jumping combos and you'll begin familiarize your mid-air control.

Cool huh? LoL.

And this is what I would call Taekwondo Hamsters playing in their cage.

It takes years of practice and patience. It took me 5 years of Taekwondo training and without failing nor missing any exams to reach Dan 1 Black Belt. I'm still thinking of improving but I haven't been training seriously for the past 2 years plus, almost 3. HAIHHHhh......

Anyway, this is what happens to you when you try to learn Martial Arts without a Master/Sifu.

Not funny enough? Then lets have a really good look at THIS!!

For a moment there he looked like Enrique Iglesias. Mauahahahaha!!

Saturday, September 29, 2007 . 12:37 PM

Ok peeps, sry for the late post. I was really occupied yesterday. Was out for a movie during noon, visited a friend in the evening and was at a BBQ party at night till 2am. @_@

Anyway, as promised... the pictures and the story....

The pictures will not be posted here but instead, the link the each picture will be posted.

If you click on anything within the 'Thin Red Line" which is below this paragraph, you thereby AGREE that you are above the age of 21 and ACCEPT TO VIEW this few disturbing pictures at your own will. Any harm or mental difficulties caused would be due to your own doing so... think twice.... Thank you.

These are the pictures of a mother who killed her son just because she was hungry for meat.
Picture 1

Picture 2

Picture 3

This next one is about a guy who raped a 4 month old baby in Brazil.
Picture 1

Picture 2

Ok, this is the end of disturbing pictures. HAihhhhh.. I had to save some pictures in my computer just to upload it... This is sick... HAihh..

Again I will warn those who visits my blog to think twice about viewing the pictures. Thanks.


Well I guess thats all for today everybody! I want to get back to JX2 now and Happy Birthday Chermaine and Chrystian! Both of your birthdays are so close.

Thursday, September 27, 2007 . 10:01 AM

Ahhhh the smell of early morning!! Tasty!! HMmm.... Whats for breakfast... OMG! ARE THESE EGGS?!!??!

Alright, is it just me.... or does those eggs just makes your stomache feel weird? Well, if you think that looks all *YuMMy*, then take a look at how pirated eggs are made.. I didn't know it was possible to make pirated eggs... I only thought there were pirated X rated and R rated DvDs? Uhhhh...

Hmmm... I don't think I can post it... LoL... might get into trouble... HEhehe nevermind then, I'll chear up your egg-tastic day with some humour(Again?!) Yeah... again... :T

KEkekeke... that old lady is really evil isn't she? Example.... PrincessLotus who poisons Foxes.... LoL

I'm saving the best part for tomorrow so this will be the end of today's post. Short but I bet I got a smile or at the least, a smirk on your face didn't I? Heh heh heh... Kk, enjoy the rest of your breakfast and in your car, on the way to work!

Tomorrow's post might be quite morbit so I won't post the pictures but instead you'll have to click on the link. Some of you might have heard of the story but haven't seen the pictures and I have the pictures.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007 . 12:03 AM

8 Very important things to know while you are out in the unsafe world! *Dum* *Dum* *DUM!*

1 Tip from Tae Kwon Do :
The elbow is the strongest point on your body. If you are close enough to use
it, do!

2. Learned this from a tourist guide in New Orleans. If a robber asks for your
wallet and/or purse,
Toss it away from you....chances are that he is more interested in your wallet
and/or purse than you, and he will go for the wallet/purse.

3. If you are ever thrown into the trunk of a car, kick out the back tail
lights and stick your arm out the hole and start waving like crazy.
The driver won't see you, but everybody else will. This has saved lives.

4. Women have a tendency to get into their cars after shopping, eating,
working, etc., and just sit (doing their checkbook,
or making a list, etc. DON'T DO THIS!
The predator will be watching you, and this is the perfect opportunity for him
to get in on the passenger side, put a gun to your head,
and tell you where to go. AS SOON AS YOU GET INTO YOUR CAR , LOCK THE DOORS

a. If someone is in the car with a gun to your head
Instead gun the engine and speed into anything, wrecking the car. Your Air Bag
will save you. If the person is in the back seat
they will get the worst of it . As soon as the car crashes bail out and run.
It is better than having them find your body in a remote location.

5 A few notes about getting into your car in a parking lot, or parking garage:
A.) Be aware: look around you, look into your car, at the passenger side
floor, and in the back seat
B..) If you are parked next to a big van, enter your car from the passenger
door. Most serial killers attack their victims by pulling them into their vans
while the women are attempting to get into their cars.
C..) Look at the car parked on the driver's side of your vehicle, and the
passenger side. If a male is sitting alone in the seat nearest your car, you may
want to walk back into the mall, or work, and get a guard/policeman to walk you
back out.
IT IS ALWAYS BETTER TO BE SAFE THAN SORRY. (And better paranoid than dead.)>

6. ALWAYS take the elevator instead of the stairs. (Stairwells are horrible
places to be alone and the perfect crime spot.
This is especially true at NIGHT!)

7. If the predator has a gun and you are not under his control, ALWAYS RUN!
The predator will only hit you (a running target) 4 in 100 times; And even
then, it most likely WILL NOT be a vital organ.
RUN, Preferably ! in a zig -zag pattern!

8. As women, we are always trying to be sympathetic: STOP ! It may get you
raped, or killed. Ted Bundy, the serial killer,
was a good-looking, well educated man, who ALWAYS played on the sympathies of
unsuspecting women. He walked with a cane,
or a limp, and often asked "for help" into his vehicle or with his vehicle,
which is when he abducted his next victim.

So to the ladies reading this blog, I hope this helps. :)

Anyhow, ON TO THE MAIN COURSE OF THIS POST!! *Drums Rolling* I present to you... CONDOM FASHION! Don't worry kids, there isn't any nudity. It's just an unusual fashion and I would like to share with my daily viewers.

Don't you just love the ideas people come up with nowadays? Who knows, maybe the next unusual fashion you might find would be 'See Through Underwears!"

Yeah, I literally meant "See Through" not those Transparent Plastic Panties.

-The End-

Monday, September 24, 2007 . 1:25 PM

I guess today is just like every other day but I would like to welcome my JX2 friends and thank you for visiting my blog cause I've just placed my blog link as my siggy.

There won't be much to talk about for today because it is just an ordinary Monday and I have nothing to do... Well, I wanted to go swimming but instead, I have chores to do. Damn it's gonna be boring.. No swimming.. HAIH!

Well anyway, I'm posting a joke for my visitors to read. It is nothing new but I found it funny so EnjoY! :)

Dear IT Support,

Last year I upgraded from Boyfriend 5.0 to Husband 1.0 and noticed a slow down in the overall performance, particularly in the flower, gifts and jewelleryapplications that had operated flawlessly under Boyfriend 5.0.

In addition, Husband 1.0 un-installed many other valuable programs, such as Romance 9.5 and Personal Attention 6.5, but installed undesirable programs such as Formula One 5.0, NBA 3.0 and World Cup 2.0.

And now Conversation 8.0 no longer runs and House Cleaning 2.6 simply crashes the system. I've tried running Nagging 5.3 to fix these problems, but to no avail.

What can I do?

Desperate Housewife


Dear Desperate Housewife,

First keep in mind:

Boyfriend 5.0 is an entertainment package, while Husband 1.0 is an operating system.

Try entering the command C:\ I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME and download Tears 6.2 to install Guilt 3.0.

If all works as designed, Husband 1.0 should then automatically run the applications Jewellery 2.0 and Flowers 3.5.

But remember, overuse can cause Husband 1.0 to default to Grumpy Silence 2.5, Happy Hour 7.0 or Late Night Teh Tarik 6.1.

Late Night 6.1 is a very bad program that will create SnoringLoudly. wav files.

Whatever you do, DO NOT install Mother-in-Law 1.0 or reinstall another> Boyfriend program. These are not supported applications and will crash Husband 1.0.

In summary, Husband 1.0 is a great program, but it does have a limited memory and cannot learn new applications quickly.

You might consider additional software to improve memory and performance. I personally recommend Hot Tasty Food 3.0 and Tongkat Ali 6.9.

Good Luck,

IT Support

Sunday, September 23, 2007 . 12:18 PM

Yesterday me and Dear went to TGI in the evening to acompany Tisha during her break. We walked, talked and they bullied me and when the HORRIBLE ORDEAL was over(just kidding girls), I came across some fruits which were cut really nicely. Check this out..

I think this is the name of the company which made the designs on the following fruits.
(I can't read chinese, sry )

I like the designs.... Lets have a closer look at the Papaya and Watermelon.

Looks cool huh? I Like this design the most compared to the others.

This is the Watermelon... Still nice and really difficult to do but, not as fresh and interesting like the Papaya.

The method to designing these fruits is called 'Fruit Carving'. There are approximately 10 types of knives to carve a fruit. You can go to take a look the type of knives there are by clicking Here
and Here if you want to know how to make this....

Well thats all about the Fruits I saw while I was in 1 Utama. If you would like to try your luck on making one for Buka Puasa or for any other reason, that would be very surprising gift.

Now back to my story... While I was on my way back to the carpark, I came across this performance inconjuntion with the Mooncake Festival.

I like the costume but not the make-up(Talk about 1 inch thick make-up...). LoL. It was not bad but I just wanted to take a picture and let my viewers see the things I see. I'm not sure how to give any details or information about this because the only thing I know about this is... Mooncake Festival Performance? I really don't know what are they singing for..

Now that I have left 1 Utama, I went for a hair cut with dear and guess how the hair cut turned out? Not as good as the first time and it costed me my bloody RM17... ZZZzzz..... Dear's haircut costed her RM3.. Hahahahah Cause she had little hair? HELL NO!!!! She only cut her fringe away and that costed her RM3. I'll re-edit this post and put in the hair stlye I wanted cause the picture isn't in this com.

I met up with my mother and brother later and we all went to Petaling Street to have dinner at the Chicken Rice stall. A small stall with hot porridge and steamed chicken but the side effect is, lighter wallets and dehydration due to the MSG or salt in the sauce(I think so..). So then we walked around and suddenly somebody came up to me and said...

"Hey Fwen! You want to buy DvDs? Shure, bery crear wan! DvD sembilan you noooe?"

LoL... First thing that came in my mind was...

"Tai Jor Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!"

If you don't know what I mean then you can view this:

Well I think thats about it. I gtg now. Maybe I'll post some kind of funny clip for entertainment later. Take Care PeepS!

Credits to Salads: Fabulous Fruits for the stroller picture.

Saturday, September 22, 2007 . 1:06 PM

Hey there! I hope you enjoy this Shadow Puppet Clip.

Have comments? Post it.

Friday, September 21, 2007 . 3:33 PM

..and it felt like I was hanging out to watch the fireworks and not get the whole picture of Merdeka. Stone, Dear and I were at the Curve to meet up with Chrystian to watch the fireworks so here are some pictures. Chrys, you can take the pics from here and the rest I'll just send them to you.

Woooo. That headgear must be pretty heavy.

LoL, the girl is white was kinda cute but "Thy shall not be tempted whilst onest has anotherst"... HuH?

See that nice lady at the back there? Well, she was stalking us as we entered British India. As soon as Dear took the cam out she charged at us and saying "Eh! Eh! Eh!! No pictures please!"... I said to myself... "Its not like I wanted you in the picture..."

Dear and I, outside waiting for the fireworks. We were waiting since 8 or 9pm..

My best friend, Chrystian since Strd 5. Its been.... almost 10 years now..

This is just a glimps of the crowd close to the stage where Vince, Fish Leong and other Malaysian celebs appeared.

Chrystian's phunky sister Chermaine. I've also known her for a long time now... :) Howdy-Do!? Oh Jean, can't put any picture of you since you worked till so late.... Bz BZ bz eh? :P

Well thats just some of the pictures taken during 31st of August 2007. I have videos of the Fireworks but you tube has a lot of them from many different angles. Here are some:

Ok thats all for now..

Alright, my course is over and it is time to get a job for the time being. Hmmm... What should I do? Guess I'll get into www.jobstreet.com and find something nice. Next course would prolly start in January. To my friends in JX2, I'll be less active once my work starts but I'm still playing so don't forget about me. LoL!

Dear and I have already finished our course and she is having a part time job at TGI Fridays and she has made new friends and they all seem like nice people tho I haven't met all of them yet.

Thats a picture of Dear and some of her friends. From L-R, Beverly, Dear, Sophia and Kath. I heard Kath ad Sophia are really big talkers. LoL... I'm yet to find out.

Thats all for this this topic. On to the next one which was(past tense) during Merdeka.

Thursday, September 20, 2007 . 6:59 AM

Alright this is my first post. I'm still learning how to use blogspot. HMmmm.... Seems like its much more... "expendable" than Multiply but requires a little more effort.. Hmm... I wonder whats next.